VERITY Now co-chairs meet with members of Congress to support protecting women in crash tests

VERITY Now co-chairs Susan Molinari (far left) and Beth Brooke (second from right) meet with U.S. Senator Deb Fischer of Nebraska (center) and staff.

This week, VERITY Now’s co-chairs, former U.S. Representative Susan Molinari and former Clinton Treasury official Beth Brooke, met with members of Congress on the Hill. Their visits focused on the need for the Department of Transportation to require equal vehicle crash tests for men and women, and update 5-star safety ratings to require biofidelic female dummies as detailed in the GAO’s recent report on the issue. You can find VERITY Now’s statement on the GAO report here

We are grateful for the time and attention from members of Congress and their staffs who took the time to meet with our co-chairs, and for the productive conversations around the need to better protect any and every occupant in a vehicle – for every body, whether younger or older, male or female, or different sizes – and not only the so-called standard, 5’9”, 171-pound male body currently used to simulate drivers and passengers and which puts millions of people at risk. We thank the members for the support they voiced in strengthen safety for women across the country.


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