Statement from VERITY Now on the Delay of THOR 5th Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

We are disappointed that the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the THOR 5th female crash test safety dummy, which has undergone thorough research and accurately represents women's bodies, has been delayed once again. This time, the new expected date for the Part 572 NPRM is December of this year. Previously scheduled for this May, after years of delay it has significantly been pushed back again  without explanation. It is long past time that a biofidelic crash test dummy designed for women be included in the country's 5-star safety rating New Car Assessment Program. It is not sufficient to wait until the distant future to make this change: its swift implementation is crucial to save women's lives now. 

The reality is that women face a 9% to 28% higher risk of fatality in car crashes compared to men, and a staggering 73% higher risk of serious injury. This is primarily due to the fact that crash test dummies are modeled after the "average-sized" adult man. Women have different body structures, which leads to different risks when driving or riding as passengers, and we need to make sure that vehicle crash tests are accounting for this. It is essential that all people in a vehicle receive equal protection, and that manufacturers are aware of who is safe in their vehicles and how they can best protect all occupants. We strongly urge the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to stop moving the goalposts on women’s safety and to stop further delays in implementing the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.

The consequences of inaction are severe. Each time we delay, women's lives and safety are compromised. Hundreds of women lose their lives unnecessarily in vehicle crashes every year due to outdated crash test dummies and the failure to implement fairer safety standards. Women have waited far too long already and cannot wait any longer.


She Drives: VERITY Now June 2023 Update


She Drives: VERITY Now May 2023 Update